Chronic Pain/Musculoskeletal Medicine Resources
AIM Pain Management Committee
Any patient that you are planning to start on opiate analgesia for more than 3-5 days must be reviewed by the AIM Pain Management Committee (Dr. Singer from AIM and Dr. Cheung from Psychiatry). Prior to referral to the Committee, please complete a thorough assessment of the pain (history and exam), complete as risk assessment using the DIRE tool (click here), send a UTOX, review ISTOP for red flags. You may email Dr. Singer to refer to the committee. Please also email Dr. Singer for patients already on long term opiates who have “red flag” behaviors so we can formally provide management recommendations.
Patient Education Resources
Kaiser Musculoskeletal Rehab Exercise Handouts:
Low Back Pain - Español
Neck Pain - Español
Knee Arthritis - Español
Shoulder - Español
AAFP Shoulder Rehabilitation Exercises: English and Spanish
Pain - Is It All Just In Your Mind? - Great video to help patients understand chronic pain, and worth a watch for doctors as well.
Chronic Pain - Is It Just In Their Head? - From UMichigan rheumatology, a long discussion of fibromyalgia and chronic pain with great insights for management.
Moodgym - For English-speaking patients, an online workbook of CBT techniques for management of depression, anxiety, and chronic pain.