GPC Elective Options

General Medicine Research Elective
Most GPC residents use their elective time to learn research methods with faculty from the Division of General Medicine. Faculty research interests and areas of expertise can be seen here. GPC residents attend the national SGIM conference in their second year with a goal of presenting their elective research projects. Some GPC residents with interests in related fields work with faculty in other Departments.
Department of Health Elective
Residents have the option during their three years to participate in an elective at the New York City Department of Health (DOH). The New York City DOH is the most active and innovative department in the country, with extensive programs and clinics for public health. Residents can choose an area of interest, such as HIV/TB, STDs, Chronic Disease Management, Cardiovascular Disease, Nutrition and Physical Activity, etc. The resident is matched with a mentor at the DOH and works with a team on DOH projects. This rotation is a great opportunity to think about health at a population level, to see first hand the workings of a department of health, and to learn more about the health of our community outside the hospital and clinic.
Previous DOH rotations include:
Reaching Underserved Ethnic Communities to Improve Colorectal Cancer Screening
- Edward Lee, PGY1, 2012
- Mentors: Mari Carlesimo and Anafidelia R. Tavares, MD, MPH
Cardiovascular Impact of Diabetes
- Natalie Moise, PGY2, 2011
- Mentor: Chadi Shamany
Impact of Farmer’s Markets on Nutrition in NYC
- Lauren Browne, PGY1, 2011
- Mentor: Dr. Cathy Nonas
Feasibility and Impact of Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring
- Kinjal Patel, Samreen Hasan, PGY1, and Jen Camacho PGY2, 2010
- Mentor: Anne Rapin
Prevalance of LGV in NYC STD Clinics
- Matt Czaja, PGY1, 2010
- Mentor: Dr. Anne Lifflander
Impact of Ambulatory Blood Pressure Monitoring
- Janina Morrison, PGY2, 2009
- Mentor: Dr. Sonia Angell
Review of Evidence for Cardiac Rehab and Provider Education Regarding Cardiac Rehab
- Kelly Kyanko, PGY2 and 3, 2007 and 2008
- Mentor: Dr. Sonia Angell
Asthma Prevention in Harlem
- Yukmila Soriano, PGY2, 2006
- Mentor: Dr. Andrew Goodman
Evidence Review of HIV Pre-test Counseling and MDR TB
- Douglas Koo, PGY2, 2005
- Bureau of HIV/AIDS and Tuberculosis Control
Attitudes and Knowledge of Fourth-Year Medical Students on Smoking Cessation
- List Hope, PGY2, 2004
- Bureau of Tobacco Control
Women's Health
Clinical rotations with OB-GYN to learn IUD and Nexplanon training, as well as more in-depth exposure to gynecologic care can be planned through the Dept. of OB/GYN.
Buprenorphine Training
Training can be arranged for interested residents through the NYC Department of Health.
Global Health
All residents in the Columbia IM Residency Program have the opportunity to participate in a Global Health elective to Edendale, South Africa during their PGY3 year.
HIV Medicine
Many GPC residents have an interest in HIV primary care as a possible career path. Faculty from the Division of Infectious Diseases practicing in our outpatient HIV clinic work with residents to see patients in the outpatient setting to understand the outpatient management of the disease. Residents rotate through the ID service during inpatient rotations and care for inpatient HIV complications.