Section on Geriatrics, Gerontology, and Aging
The Section on Geriatrics, Gerontology, and Aging conducts epidemiological, translational, and intervention research in various areas of aging and Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias (ADRD). These areas include research in risk factors and prevention of ADRD and cognitive impairment including observational studies and clinical trials, research in the health of caregivers of persons with ADRD including observational studies and clinical trials, aging and brain outcomes of diabetes and related metabolic conditions including human and animals studies, detection of cognitive impairment in primary care and community settings, and health disparities in aging and ADRD. The research program is currently supported by research grants from NIA (R01AG058571, R01AG058969, R01AG050440, AG051556, AG055299, AG057898), NINR (R01NR014430), and NIDDK (U01DK04804, U01DK098246). The Section also includes a mentoring program supported by grants from NIA (K24AG045334, P30AG05903).
Jose A Luchsinger, MD, MPH
- Co-Director, Section on Geriatrics, Gerontology, and Aging
- Robert F. Loeb Professor of Medicine and Professor of Epidemiology at CUMC
- Vice-Chair for Clinical and Epidemiologic Research, Department of Medicine
Jeanne A. Teresi, EdD, PhD
- Co-Director, Section on Geriatrics, Gerontology, and Aging
- Assistant Professor of Medical Sciences (in Medicine) at CUMC
Our Team
Sunmoo Yoon, PhD
- Associate Research Scientist in the Department of Medicine
Luis Arguello
- Clinical Research Coordinator
Froogh Aziz
- Statistical Analyst/Data Manager
Richard Benitez
- Project Manager
Sam Cammack
- Clinical Research Manager
Sandino Cespedes
- Clinical Research Coordinator
Isabella Dechiario
- Clinical Research Coordinator
Luisa Espinal
- Project Manager
Gerardo Febres
- Program Manager
Gabriela Hernandez Santiago
- Program Manager
Diana Marin
- Clinical Research Coordinator
Dianilka Martinez
- Program Manager
Yanette Mesen
- Clinical Research Coordinator
Thais Oliveira
- Clinical Research Coordinator
Jose Sanchez
- Clinical Research Coordinator
Greysi Sherwood
- Program Manager
Luisa Soto
- Clinical Research Coordinator
Lenfis Valdez
- Project Manager