Sunmoo Yoon, PhD
- Associate Research Scientist in the Department of Medicine
On the web

Sunmoo Yoon, PhD, is an Associate Research Scientist in the Department of Medicine, within the Division of General Medicine. She earned her BSN from Seoul National University and both her MS and PhD from Columbia University. Dr. Yoon’s pre and postdoctoral 10-year training focused on improving self-management behavior by applying informatics and data science techniques to reduce health disparities.
Academic Appointments
- Associate Research Scientist in the Department of Medicine
- Korean
Credentials & Experience
Education & Training
- BSN, Nursing, Seoul National University, South Korea
- MS, Nursing Informatics, Columbia University, School of Nursing, New York, NY
- PhD, 2010 Informatics, Columbia University, New York, NY
Committees, Societies, Councils
- 2013: AMIA Nursing Informatics Student Working Group Committee
- 2013: CUSON Diversity Committee Subcommittee on Community and Educational Diversity
- 2010: IT Steering Committee representative-Columbia University
- 2007-2010: Relation Based Care Nursing Unit Practice Council (UPC) Committee member-NYP
- 2007-2009: Skin Care Committee- NYP
- 2006-2010: Medication Safety and Informatics Committee member-NYP
Professional Memberships
- 2008-2009: American Association of Neuroscience Nurses
- 2004-Present: Sigma Theta Tau
- 2003-Present: American Medical Informatics Association
Honors & Awards
- 2007: Falcon Awards, Columbia Presbyterian Hospital
- 2005: Employee of the Month, Kateri Residence
- 1995-99: Academic Excellent Award, Seoul National University
Sunmoo Yoon's research has focused on self-management, informatics, and artificial intelligence/machine learning (AI/ML) to reduce health disparities for the past 14 years. Yoon has 10 years of formal training in informatics at Columbia University. Yoon pioneered developing an analytic framework for Twitter in 2010 when Twitter was four years old in her doctorate dissertation. Yoon's team has developed an informatics competency measurement called the Self-Assessment of Informatics Competency Scale (SANICS) tool for all health professionals, and it has been translated into different languages. Dr. Yoon is a Principal Investigator of a Twitter-based intervention trial project for Hispanic/Latinx and African American dementia caregivers (NIH Stage II-III TweetS2 trial, R01 AG060929). Yoon's TweetS2 team applying AI/ML techniques received the best paper award from the International Medical Informatics Association in 2020, 2021 and 2022. Yoon's work analyzing Ebola Tweets has been recognized as a groundbreaking finding by other disciplines, including business and pharmacology, with 40 international media outlets, including CNBC, Slate, and Economic Times.
- NIH Stage II-III TweetS2 trial
R01 AG060929
Selected Publications
- Odlum M, Moise N, Kronish IM, Broadwell P, Alcántara C, Davis NJ, Cheung YK, Perotte A, Yoon S.* Trends in poor health indicators among Black and Hispanic middle-aged and older adults in the United States, 1999-2018. JAMA Network Open. 2020 Nov 2;3(11):e2025134-.
- Yoon, S, Schwartz, J, Burg, M, Kronish, I, Alcantara, C, Julian, J, Parsons, F, Davidson, K, Diaz, K. (2018) Can behavioral analytics increase physical activity? The effect of revealing personalized predictors of exercise on physical activity: N-of-1 study, American Journal of Preventive Medicine 54(4):559-567.
- Odlum, M, Yoon, S.* (2015). What can we learn about the Ebola outbreak from tweets? Am J Infect Control, 43(6), 563-571. ---40+ Media release
- Yoon, S, Shaffer J, Bakken S. (2015) Refining a Self-Assessment of Informatics Competency Scale Using Mokken Scaling Analysis, J Interprof Care. Nov;29(6):579-86.
- Yoon, Sunmoo; Wilcox, Adam; and Bakken, Suzanne (2013) "Comparisons Among Health Behavior Surveys: Implications for the Design of Informatics Infrastructures that Support Comparative Effectiveness Research," eGEMs (Generating Evidence & Methods to improve patient outcomes): Vol. 1: Iss. 1, Article 9. is external and opens in a new window)
- Yoon S, Elhadad N, Bakken S. (2013) A practical approach for content mining of tweets. Am J Prev Med 45(1): 122-9
- Yoon S, RN, PhD, Patrao M, RN, Schauer D, RN, BSN, Gordon R, RN, MSN. Wilcox A, PhD, Bakken S, RN, DNSc. Predictors of Perceptions of Stroke Caregiving Difficulty: A Data Mining Approach, Cerebrovascular Diseases 2012
- Yoon S, Bakken S. Methods of Knowledge Discovery in Tweets, Stud Health Technol Inform. Nursing Informatics 2012
- Merrill J, Yoon S, Larson E, Honig J, Reame N., Using Social Network Analysis to Examine Collaborative Relationships Among PhD and DNP Students and Faculty in a Research-intensive University School of Nursing, Nursing Outlook 2012
- Yoon S, Gutierrez J, Wilcox A, Bakken S, Application of Data Mining Techniques to a Behavioral Risk Factor Data Set to Predict Long-Term Disability after Stroke AMIA Annu Symp Proc. 2012
- Yoon S, RN, PhD, Patrao M, RN, Wilcox A, PhD, Bakken S, RN, DNSc. Comparison of Health Behavior-related Data in Survey and EHR, AMIA CRI Proc. 2012
- Yoon S., RN, PhD, Patrao M, RN, Schauer D, RN, BSN, Gordon R, RN, MSN. Post Stroke Culturally-Sensitive Care Needs: Comparison of functioning and Disability and Contextual Factors Among Hispanic and Non-Hispanic Urban Dwellers, Cerebrovascular Diseases 2012
- Bakken, S., Lucero, R. J., Yoon, S., & Hardiker, N. Implications for Nursing Research and Generation of Evidence. In Cook, R & Cashin, A (Eds). Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing Informatics: Concepts and Applications. Medical Information Science Reference, 2011: 113-127
- Yoon, S Application of Social Network Analysis and Text Mining to Characterize Network Structures and Contents of Microblogging Messages: An Observational Study of Physical Activity-Related Tweets, Columbia University, 2010.
For a complete list of publications, please visit